Read the Docs build information Build id: 4599 Project: sales-req-spec Version: latest Commit: None Date: 2024-01-09T22:39:46.336239 State: finished Success: False [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:47.683253, end-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:47.698800, duration: 0, exit-code: 0 git remote set-url origin [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:47.929891, end-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:49.586767, duration: 1, exit-code: 0 git fetch --tags --prune --prune-tags From 5855dd2..9b8ce7a v3.10 -> origin/v3.10 * [new branch] v3.11 -> origin/v3.11 [rtd-command-info] start-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:49.806648, end-time: 2024-01-10T04:39:49.816302, duration: 0, exit-code: 1 git checkout --force latest error: pathspec 'latest' did not match any file(s) known to git